Help Page

I guess we have all experienced shabby customer service whether it is with the Banks, Utility Companies or even worse Cryptocurrency Exchanges. You get onto the customer services number and go through endless menus to be told one of the following:

  • Due to increased demand nobody can help you right now;
  • Waiting times will be more than one hour; or
  • You must submit a support ticket.

Alternatively you can try the Live Chat where you find yourself talking to a hopelessly misinformed bot that provides no relevant options to the question in hand.

Well at GramsNumberPlus1 we will always be happy to help you and answer any questions you might have about our Stakepool or staking ADA in general. Whether you are just thinking of Staking or do not understand what it is about you can talk to us live through our Live Chat or email us with a question. We are even happy to give you a contact number and we can discuss any of your questions or concerns. We are only a small Stakepool so depending on what you want to get out of Staking and whether or not you want to help support our mission we will provide you with the facts even if that means recommending Staking with another Stakepool.

We can provide help through any the the following:

  1. Talk with us now by clicking on the Live Chat icon in the bottom right of this page
  2. Sending us an email to
  3. Reaching out to us on Twitter @GrahamsNoPlus1
  4. Calling us by requesting a contact number in the Live Chat